Frequently Asked Questions

  • Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity that can be used to power your home or business. This process involves photovoltaic cells that capture solar rays and transform them into clean, renewable energy, reducing your reliance on traditional power sources and decreasing your energy bills.

  • Absolutely! By generating your own electricity, you significantly reduce your dependence on utility-supplied power, leading to lower monthly energy bills. Additionally, with various incentives and rebates available, the initial cost of solar installation can be offset, enhancing your savings over time.

  • Several incentives can make solar energy more affordable for homeowners and businesses, including the Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC), state-specific rebates, and local utility incentives. Our team at Green Gro Solar will help you navigate these options to maximize your savings.

  • Yes, with the addition of solar batteries to your system, you can store excess energy generated during the day for use during power outages or at night, ensuring a continuous power supply and true energy independence.

  • The installation timeline can vary based on the complexity of your system and property specifics, but most residential installations are completed within 1-3 days. Our team ensures a smooth and efficient process, from initial consultation to final inspection.

  • Solar panels require minimal maintenance. They are designed to withstand the elements and continue producing energy for decades. Periodic cleaning and an annual check-up by a professional are generally all that's needed to keep them operating efficiently.

  • Most properties are suitable for solar installation, but factors like roof condition, shading, and space can affect the system's efficiency. Green Gro Solar offers a free site assessment to determine the best solar solution for your specific needs.